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Re: HC => Fws by Nighthawk
[December 17, 2017, 01:07:55]

Re: HC => Fws by Range Rover
[December 09, 2017, 16:33:17]

Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Maloo
[November 28, 2017, 22:47:06]

Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Bounty Hunter
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Messages - Nighthawk

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News and Announcements / Re: HC => Fws
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:07:55 »
I will definitely miss this forum and community. I'm glad I met you people, HC//Fun was truly the beginning of my CS2D experience and I'm glad I was a part of it.

Thank you HC for an amazing gameplay experience. Your coding skills are amazing by the way. And a huge thanks to the administrators for bearing with me when I was a nub back in the day. (:

General Discussion / Re: Global Moderator group??
« on: July 09, 2017, 20:34:47 »
OT: Just use http://imgur.com/ for image sharing.

General Discussion / Re: The time has come
« on: October 19, 2016, 13:02:11 »
See you soon, Hyorgh. Take care. :)

News and Announcements / Re: HC // Fun and Hotchills down
« on: September 21, 2016, 11:52:21 »
Here's the update by Wildthing on the fws forums.

Quote from: Wildthing
Copied and pasted from my pm-
I checked my emails and have the email "Detection of an attack on IP address", followed by the deletion of the service, "This is irreversible". It was in french so i had to use a translator.

I've opened up a support ticket about this. .

This'll take a few more days at least, I suppose.

Moderator Applications / tl:dr; Don't act like retards
« on: August 24, 2016, 09:06:04 »
As community members you guys are showing terrible behavior towards someone completely new. Not every topic is your playground or a joke so stay on topic. Know when you've done wrong and don't reply with sarcasm as excuses.

Think before writing.

Moderator Applications / Re: My application for being a Smod
« on: July 31, 2016, 14:07:34 »
Aye yashu, good luck.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: How did you discover CS2d
« on: July 25, 2016, 02:55:34 »
I started out with playing a homebrew game called CSPSP on my newly bought (then haxed) PSP back in 2009. It was basically a 2D CS for the PSP. Lots of servers and players. It even had roleplay such as Jail.

It used to have a master server which would list the servers on the client's game however during it went down some time around 2012, came back up after a long time and then periodically kept that up so many players were lost. I left after a while the developer open-sourced the game as he wasn't going to develop it anymore.

CSPSP was an addicting game for me and when I heard about CS2D from a discussion about alternative "CS 2D" games on the community boards, I packed up and came here.

Incase you're curious about CSPSP, the community forums is still there. Tho the forum spammed by bots, the chatbox is used for nostalgic discussions by the old members. And there's actually someone who's developing CSPSP and there's a new master server. Although, a few servers online, there's a lot of tumbleweeds in there.

Moderator Applications / Re: AhmedStrike's apply for jmod
« on: June 15, 2016, 03:03:25 »
Worthy guy. Good luck! (:

Moderator Applications / Re: Application for SMod [Accepted]
« on: June 12, 2016, 19:04:18 »
Thank yous :P

That's not the case, even I was doing things wrong when I started out as a Jmod here. Dont think of the demotion as a punishment. Think of it as off time given for you to improve yourself, I'd like to see an improved you back on the moderation team. ;)

Moderator Applications / Re: Application for SMod [Accepted]
« on: June 11, 2016, 21:37:46 »
PiWi is quite unique himself. :P

Hey Bounty! Hope you're doing fine. :)

Moderator Applications / Re: Application for smod. (Accepted)
« on: June 11, 2016, 21:35:28 »
Congratulations & wb. :)

Always remember that you must not let personal skirmishes conflict with your moderation on another server with someone. Because that other server has a different set of rules and as long as the player isn't breaking the rules on that server, it would be considered abuse to take action for the rules he broke for the other server.

The purpose of the reason parameter in commands is partially for the admins as well. It has to be clear and direct so administrators can understand what was going on much more easily. Think of it has a note to the admins.

Also remember that whatever the consequences from this, only learn from it. Don't consider it humorous. You now know something that you did wrong, your next move would be improving on it. Your actions here are also judged by the admins so be careful.
And lastly, never lose your cool. Doing that equals to losing your stand as a moderator!

Moderator Applications / Re: ~Mew Apply as JrMod ..
« on: June 11, 2016, 15:57:46 »
This isnt the same Mew as my Mew :o

But name clashes happen at times unless someone is deliberately using someone elses name, but I dont think thats the case here.
Applying again a week after getting rejected is a terrible idea.

Moderator Applications / Re: Application for SMod [Accepted]
« on: June 11, 2016, 15:53:38 »
That certainly makes my application unique then.
Hey Electron, thanks and I hope to see you again. Good luck with your stuff. :)

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