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Hot Chills


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Messages - Häppy C@mper

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 22
Server / Re: Report
« on: May 22, 2014, 19:13:18 »
The bot script probably crashed. CS2D turns off all bot scripts when that happens and the bots stop moving. The "Normal Speed" option doesn't check if the player or bot is actually slowed down, so it happily writes that the bot is no longer slowed down even though it was never slowed down.

General Discussion / Re: Tragedy in Turkey
« on: May 18, 2014, 16:52:36 »
I agree it's a big tragedy, but please stick to English in the forum, OK?

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: May 18, 2014, 14:06:50 »
Is it enough if the player is ignored only until he re-joins the server? If the ignore should be persistent, there should be commands for listing and removing ignores, which makes it more complicated.

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: May 18, 2014, 12:08:48 »
You mean ignore PMs only? That should be easy. I'm not sure how it usually works. Does the ignored player get some feedback that he is ignored when trying to PM?

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: May 18, 2014, 11:44:13 »
Good ideas. I have tried implementing a speed detector, but it's difficult to make one that works for all occasions. Shot accuracy checker might catch really good players. I think using your eyes is the best method.

The !slap command is implemented. It will be activated next time the server restarts.

Server / Re: Problem about Satchel Charge round.
« on: May 18, 2014, 10:13:18 »
I am too lazy to fix it right now, so I have removed it.

Server / Re: A bug in the unban list
« on: May 17, 2014, 19:54:32 »
If the player has a U.S.G.N., !pban bans it. If not, it bans the IP address. I am pretty sure they should show up in the list.

I found another bug in the unban list, though. I am working on a fix. Some bans that had been done with !rcon does not show up.

Server / Re: A bug in the unban list
« on: May 17, 2014, 18:31:35 »
Hmm, are you sure you don't mean !tban? I haven't found a way to list temporary bans, unfortunately.

Server / Re: smth about killing spree sounds
« on: May 16, 2014, 22:08:13 »
Done, done and done. Will be activated next time server restarts.

Server / Re: Mod powers
« on: May 16, 2014, 22:07:07 »
Fixed. Will be activated next time server restarts.

Hey, bro! Erase all passwords and send PM to him. I checked these - they are working. Any guest can see an steal you login!  :o
What do you mean?
N' wanted to give me one of his accounts and posted his username and password here. ._. (the post is deleted tho)
Ah, OK. Thanks.

Hey, bro! Erase all passwords and send PM to him. I checked these - they are working. Any guest can see an steal you login!  :o
What do you mean?

Server / Re: Mod powers
« on: May 13, 2014, 19:04:20 »
I guess moderators could be allowed to censor names. What do the admins say?

This is interesting although i should point out that it'd be much easier if you added a search option to the menu; a simple box that we can enter numbers in would do the trick (if it's possible) and thanks for the updates Happy :)
That's a possibility, but this was easier. The menus are sorted so I hope it won't be too difficult to find what you are looking for.

General Discussion / Re: Our Admins
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:12:51 »
That's OK. I'll just assume I'm your favourite owner. ;)

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