Server / Re: Suggest a Round
« on: July 23, 2015, 06:10:42 »
Flashbangs and knife only. This is gonna be fun.
Re: HC => Fws by Nighthawk
[December 17, 2017, 01:07:55] Re: HC => Fws by Range Rover [December 09, 2017, 16:33:17] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Maloo [November 28, 2017, 22:47:06] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Bounty Hunter [November 28, 2017, 18:29:07] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by siN [November 28, 2017, 10:45:22] |
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Server / Re: Suggest a Round« on: July 23, 2015, 06:10:42 »
Flashbangs and knife only. This is gonna be fun.
Moderator Applications / Re: (Player F2/ Youtubes) APPLICATION FOR J-MOD OR MOD!!« on: July 22, 2015, 19:50:24 »
Howdy f2 (: nice to see you here. Good luck and i hope you'll get accepted. I always noticed you as a nice and neutral person so im fairly positive about your application (Jmod)
Moderator Applications / Re: Application for J-Moderator or Moderator by trll« on: July 21, 2015, 17:59:23 »
Seems like you just dont fit to the existing team, also if you're asked about your moderation experience its highly recommended to list the servers/clans or whatever you moderated.
Moderator Applications / Re: Promotion for XoOt« on: July 19, 2015, 21:25:40 »
Dont worry im not going to take something wrong. Im fine about your decisions and thanks for clarifying some stuff related to it. Oh and of course you should firstly pick elfing when the time has come, he deserves it way more than i do.
Moderator Applications / Re: Promotion for XoOt« on: July 19, 2015, 16:53:58 »
Ofc i can wait, just thought it would be the right time to show that im interested in improving the administration (which isnt bad tbh, but kinda slow currently) thanks for the honest opinions.
Server / Re: Report« on: July 19, 2015, 14:22:29 »
Well when i see him next time and he'll keep behaving like that im gonna give him a little tban. Seems like he is doing it to random people.
Moderator Applications / Re: Promotion for XoOt« on: July 19, 2015, 11:29:27 »
This is what i basically said - most of you arent active.
Well, you're right about the statement that i didnt gave a proper reason why i would like to be an admin of hotchills. Yea i did a mistake, i didnt meant to be admin of he server only i would basically like to be a main administrator to help you guys with the managing stuff. So sorry for the undetailed information. Im aware that managing things like applications/adding userranks etc. isnt always fun, but as we all noticed few things just takes a little longer, thats why i thought it would be a good idea to have a additional person to do these things so we can shorten the progresses a little. 23
Moderator Applications / Promotion for XoOt« on: July 19, 2015, 09:13:38 »
Hey there my beloved community,
I know this is a big step but i would like to suggest myself as an admin of our server. Most of the administrative users arent really active, so i would especially like to hear the opinions about the promotion of the existing adminteam and of course happy, too. For everyone who dont know me well at this moment : http://hotchills.org/index.php/topic,876.0.html 24
Server / Re: Report« on: July 19, 2015, 09:04:39 »
You dont have to leave the server, if you cant punish him then simply ignore that player and he will be bored soon.
Moderator Applications / Re: promotion for piWi« on: July 16, 2015, 13:54:17 »
I never said that you're a kid. Was just talking about your reaction caused by kids.
Moderator Applications / Re: Bus School Application to be J.MOD« on: July 16, 2015, 05:59:51 »
Your english isnt even close to be a 10/10. Your vocabulary is very limited and you do a lot of grammar mistakes, so be honest about these ratings. You should've known that's incoming coz im pretty sure you've read many english articles etc. Before. Comparing yours to others i would intend to rate your english with an average of about 5-6.
Moderator Applications / Re: Themud's application for J.Mod [Accepted as JMOD]« on: July 15, 2015, 19:31:01 »
Congratz my lil bagelboy
Moderator Applications / Re: Themud's application for J.Mod« on: July 15, 2015, 13:16:39 »
Good luck m8, its gr8 to see your application here. So no f8 or h8 this guy should get accepted as jmod.
Moderator Applications / Re: promotion for piWi« on: July 14, 2015, 13:11:00 »
Epic triplepost.. dont push your topic just because no one is replying for a few hours. I dont know if you're ready to handle a higher rank currently as you get annoyed by usual behaviours of kids which break some rules.
General Discussion / Re: »»H0Ly || Wolves« on: July 11, 2015, 07:39:31 »
Gotta agree with elfing, having a 3hours per day server isnt the best choice. Players will think the server is down or doesnt exist anymore when they search for it while it's offline. Doing so for a few days will make these guys forget about it and it will be almost empty every time you run it.