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Messages - Elfing

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General Discussion / Re: The person above me.
« on: March 21, 2014, 21:46:38 »
The person above me has got a quote from ''Freeman's Mind'' in his signature.

General Discussion / Re: Music ?
« on: March 21, 2014, 21:36:35 »
Definitely digging the ''Dinosaur'', thanks ;D

General Discussion / Re: The person above me.
« on: March 21, 2014, 21:27:20 »
The person above me just revived the ''Let's count to 1000'' topic.

Yup like that.

General Discussion / The person above me
« on: March 21, 2014, 20:25:59 »
No new posts for 3 days!!? :O This was getting really boring so I decided to start a game that will entertain everyone and help us know each other better ^^ (I don't know If this game was already created, I searched the forum but I couldn't find anything like this)
It's pretty simple; you have to say something about the person above you, It can be any statement, admiration or criticism (but no flame wars, do that in private).
You should start with me so, go on...

Server / Re: NSS // Naviks Speedhacker
« on: March 17, 2014, 20:06:38 »
Someone who uses other peoples names (a faker).

Server / Re: NSS // Naviks Speedhacker
« on: March 17, 2014, 18:43:31 »
Exactly, how can we know if they really did? I am not trying to call you a liar, this is a general procedure;
you must have a proof to report someone.
But I think you got it and next time you will record it. ;D

Server / Re: NSS // Naviks Speedhacker
« on: March 17, 2014, 15:27:00 »
But If we ever see him hacking, we will deal with it ;)
Oh and next time you will report someone make sure you have a proof.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators Possibilities
« on: March 16, 2014, 18:53:36 »
I don't have absolute info but I kind of know the basics:
Jmods (I have never been a jmod but I guess I have a few ideas)
Mute, slap, Shake

Kick, temp ban(as far as I remember), speclock, kill
Permament ban, censor name, ban usgn only, ban name only
EDIT: I am at my friend PC so here is a full list of Smod commands (including all other lower rank commands):
 !ID[,ID ...] [MESSAGE ...] - Send a private message to a few specified players.
 !bc [MESSAGE ...] - Send a broadcast message.
 !gm [MESSAGE ...] - Send a message to all members in your group online.
 !kick ID REASON ... - Kick a player.
 !mute ID MINUTES REASON ... - Mute a player for a period of time.
 !om [MESSAGE ...] - Send an offline message to a user.
 !ombc [MESSAGE ...] - Send an offline message to all or a group of users.
 !pban ID REASON ... - Ban a player permanently.
 !speclock ID REASON ... - Lock a player to spectator mode for 5 minutes.
 !tban ID MINUTES REASON ... - Ban a player for a period of time.
 !tc [MESSAGE ...] - Send a message to the whole team.
 !unmute ID - Unmute a muted player.
 !unspeclock ID - Free a player from spectator mode.
Promotion, demotion etc.

Oh almost forgot, thanks Bonzo :)
Happy (Owner)
He has got the ability to do everything but the humanity is not ready to learn all of his powers....

I am not at home that's why I couldnt check them in game.

Server / Re: Beast is insulter
« on: March 14, 2014, 16:11:05 »
Yeah, dont reply to him and he will just get bored and stop.
But it really can be pissing sometimes, If we ever see such a thing he will face its consequences ;D

Server / Server is crashing... again
« on: March 13, 2014, 16:57:57 »
It's the same thing that happened 2 or 3 weeks ago; server is rapidly crashing :(
Häppy, we need you! 
Why would anyone do such a thing; mess with a harmless community?!

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: March 11, 2014, 08:24:13 »
They are just rookies, theres no need for hurtful comments ;)
I didnt hate the idea, of course It wont cause any harm.

Reminder: !slap command.....

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: March 10, 2014, 21:15:31 »
You can see if they are speedhacking without such thing -_-
We came so far without something like that and server isnt filled with speedhackers ^^

And i am not sure if its even possible, if it is .... well yeah it wont hurt anyone, I AM supporting this but I dont think its really neccesary

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: March 10, 2014, 20:58:24 »
It wouldnt be clear, there are a lot of speed rounds and it should be obvious if a player is speedhacking in normal rounds.
And you can always go to spectator and watch suspicious people without dying.

Oh and you mentioned comparing players speed, what if other one dies quicker?
We dont need luas to catch hacker, we need active mods.

Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: March 10, 2014, 20:46:43 »
No, not in text.
And in 1/3 of rounds, players are given speed (like flamethrower+speed or chainsaw + speed) so it wont really be that functional.
About the aiming thingy; people with great aim would seem guilty for nothing and aimhackers dont use their hacks too much they are not stupid.


Server / Re: Suggestion (Bizzare ideas maybe not)
« on: March 10, 2014, 20:02:48 »
I don't think that speed checking is quite possible and I don't know about the aiming but I remember there was a script like that in an old server.
Oh and let me post my own suggestion while I am at it (I actually already made a post about it but I suppose It is forgotten):
!slap command.

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