1- Breif Introduction:Good evening to all.
My name is Jakob. I am 15 years old and have birthday at 24. February 00. I chose the name ||~piWI~|| ingame but i try to find a new name and i change the symbols around my name often, so the general name is only 'piWi' ! my USGN number is 144441 and this apply has the purpose to become a mod.
2- Personal information:I am a German boy and my mom and my dad are both germans o.O i speak the general basics of the languages: English, French and my mother tongue German. Otherwise, I have 2 brothers , one 18 years old and a twin.
3- How good is my English:Some teacher like my english, some dont like my english. i am not really good in to say my strengths and weaknesses. but i am sure that i can say clear sentence and a bit more
4- Skills in-gamei dont really know how long i am playing CS2D but i think i have tactics and some of game plays i can good and some of them not so good. i think that i can play quite well.
i had make a map, but without succes. i wanted to start a server o.O but i cant script and i dont find someone to make me the right script.
but in these things i havent any quailifications.
5- Why would you accept me:Uhh

difficult question.
i think that i am an activ player of hc fun.
HC FUN are my favourit server of all and the player on hc fun most of them are pros and if a hacker come only all vote him. but sometimes only a few player of 3 to 6 on hc fun and than a hacker comes. so than were not so pros online, if i can say that ( ~.~ ) and than i have to left server because so assh**** ! and otherwise not many mods online if i come on hc fun. often i met ROHAN or XOOT. other mods i had never seen...
How Active I will be:I am only 15 years old and so i have school and other hobbys. but i have a normal PC time ^^ this time is 16:00 to 19:00 in german time. if hc fun is online i will join it.
6- My personal opinion:uh

hc fun is one of the most popular servers and i like to join this server. i have a BIG respect of the creator of this server. it was and is still a brilliant idea ! iran town and hc fun are so nice server. the only reason why i play CS2D yet

this is a so special time of playing on my pc. i love it <3

an alle deutsche oder so, wenn ihr wollt sagt mir ruhig mal auf deutsch hallo wenn ihr mich seht ;P
i hope i will get at least some feed back for the future . thank you all