1) USGN : 115397
2) Rank : 43
3) Level : 53
4) In-game name. »MØúªÐ«5) How active you can/will be. I can be active 1-2 hours per day
6) Have you had any prior experience as a moderator? Yes. I had moderator experience in CityLife And Some Few Servers And i was a moderator in your server HC but i am not now because i was have some exams and i stop playing this game :/
7) Why exactly do you want to be a Mod/SMod ? I want To be a Moderator again for kicking some hackers i saw it when i was playing and i find no moderators there . i Think i deserve that because i am A Good Player (Pro) And My skill So Good
*OPTIONAL* Something about yourself you think we should/could know:My Name is Mouad i Live in Morocco in goulmima City. i am 17 Years i Study in High school ,i Spend all my time in Computer games And Of Corse Your Server . i Was playing Cs2d since 2008

All This Time in The Game Make me Pro . i Do some Sports Like Basketball , Swimming And Weight left .
I am Cool , Nice And Funny
Sorry for my bad english and i Hope to get back my mod rank in Hc Fun <3
Bye Bye