Hey everyone, Max here from
Minecraft. Today I'll be presenting you today 11 important informations that you need to know at HC, all these informations aren't copied and they are discovered by me.
What is HC and what does it means? : HC may be taken as a clan but not.. HC is a small community that is very respectful and have their own server in a game called CounterStrike2D.
The server have alot of mods, these mods are listed in this info post.
HC stands for Happy Camper (the owner) and Hotchills. Another question? How to play HC? HC script uses a random string that takes a random round from the list in their lua script and use it, people plays and try to earn levels, but most people reached the limits. You can also be lucky and play the server 2hours a week and earn an extra added rank to the server "VIP", it's ability's will be listed in this info post, When a random round is chosen you have to rush and play and get the best score possible, and
you can also beat every single player and be in the top of the ranks, and the current king of the leaderboard is Rohan, a quick scope mlg 360 player.
VIP : VIP is a mysterious rank earned by playing 2hours a week, you can earn it and it functions/abilities are: Use hats, extra chat tag with colors, and you can discover them all by yourself too!
Ranks : Ranks are something that is useful in CS2D, why?, in HC they are too much helpful because you can know the top leaderboard in the page
http://hotchills.org/index.php/page,page482.html, here are the actual top leaders example:
1 Rohan 100089 1.80 95009 64776 67971 37738 27 d 3 h
2 N` 47449 2.02 94755 61079 66551 32875 23 d 16 h
3 Player 69028 2.08 84591 55674 55674 26757 21 d 14 h
4 »/\/\㢡éK« 14811 2.59 79435 46844 53078 20487 14 d 9 h
Level upgrade? : Want to increase your levels? You're a recruit and want to be beating everyone, you need to get ready and on your skills, get points to increase levels, get kills to increase points.
Server join function notification When you join the server, you'll get a small info notification, it haves it's own function too "some recently asked question" why is it there?.. I'll give why is it there?

. The notification was applied to the server due to some users that needs to know what's their rank.. For example if you did an apply for a rank then you got accepted you want to know that you got your rank in the server, so you join and the notification appears you like that?
Player Name : (This will shows your CS2D name and not the usgn one)
Say !help to get a list of commands.
F1 - Server informations and rules (For every single server, informations and rules, may get bugged sometimes)
F2 - Command menu (Command menu, shows some commands if clicked the F2 button)
SPECIAL RANKS: F3 - Moderation and administration menu (if you was an jmod or higher, this info will appear if clicked f3 then a menu appears with special abilities)
Your user level : (Your actual rank at the server.)
Last visit : (Last time you enter'd the server)
Getting VIP Mostly seen, people asks for vip but it's not the way to get it, the only way to get it:
you have to play 2 hours in the week. after getting your VIP status you have to keep playing 1.5 hours every week to keep it.
Well, Thanks Elfing for this information.Administrators/Owners Hey want to know the administrators, you can easily check out the posts in the forums section or easily, easily check out this information, the left admins and the actual admins are:
Turkey, Destroyer Ita, Electron,Bounty Hunter (BH) and Bonzo (left admin)Owners,you know.. known as the kings

. only one king here, Happy Camper.. the creator that brought us the HC // Fun server + community.
+TOP ADMINS: (based on my opinion)
There's 2 number 1's because they both are good.
Congratulations tho!!
Hackers Hey! Are you just a simple guest? and want to report a hacker? Report him at the forums, and here's a IMPORTANT note for some people that wishes to report one to PROVE that he isn't hacking or he is hacking.. Take a video of him and never forget to show us the scoreboard to know if he's lagging or not (if speedhacking or whatever)
Important rule I was a simple guest, and I'm still one. I see people who insults and hacks and WHATEVER that breaks the rules.. Mods take it serious, they hide in server like in hide & seek, and they ban the hacker or the insulter.. so if you insult someone you get a 5 mins mute depending on how much you insulted, if you got unmuted and still insults, 1 day/1hour, and for hackers, it's easy. a temp ban or a perm ban.
Mods Mods take it easy and seriously.. and respect them, have fun with them.. I will present you a list of some mods+rejected mods+left mods that i know..:
Sniper killer (maybe?)
Bounty Hunter (promoted to admin)
Range Rover
MaxPlaysMC (demoted)
Maciek (maybe demoted?)
and finally NoSleeping (known as N')
Bugs? Hey! encoutered some bugs and glitches in-game.. Don't use them, report them instantly.
PS: This is all about the new update of this post, Fixed some grammar errors.
If you misunderstand something, please write in the comments.
Viva HC!Thanks you guys for reading this, I have reached my dream views in this forum for these 1623 views. Thanks <3!
UPDATES/ (I wanted to add this to mark this thread updates.)
ADDED NEW INFORMATIONS!!!!Removed best admins and best mods.
Thank you admins for making this sticky.