I thought of info for simple players.

I hope You'll like it!
Hacks and cheatsSpeedhack. Normal player's speed is 0. Speedhackers are usually using +50 or +100 speed.
Have in your minds that some players have big lag and their ping is high. Sometimes lag looks like speedhack. If you see someone with big speed, press TAB and look to his ping. If his ping is really high, that means he's just lagging. But if his ping is normal and always is normal, then he's possibly speedhacking. Mods have power to slow down players. If slowing down doesn't work, then it's no doubt, that player is cheating.
Aimbot hack. Aimbot is when cheater set, that his rifles or other items would automaticly turn to the enemy and shoot. It's really hard to detect it because you're not sure is he's good player or he's cheating. But if it turns very quickly, straightly to the enemy and shooting then you should check it, seeking that player in spectators.
Radar hack. Radar hack is when cheater can see in his radar not only his friends but enemies, too. It can be detected when player shoots to that side,
where his enemy is, but don't seeing him yet.
Map hack. If cheater is using map hack, he's able to see all map in right corner like being spectator. Using map hack is almost same as radar hack using. Cheater can shoot his enemies don't seeing them yet and he can see where are all players - his friends and
The punishment for all types hacking is permanent ban. And, of course if you see someone hacking, report cheater in forum. (This is for Guests, VIPs, JMods and Mods)Insulting/Spamming/FlamingInsultingIf anyone insults you without reason and you did not insulted you have two choices. Firstly, you can just ignore him. Secondly, if insulting is unstopable, you can report it for mod or admin (if he's in server).
SpammingIf anyone is spamming, you can report it to mod/admin or you can only ask him to stop.
FlamingI'm not sure what flaming is but I guess it's something like insulting (tell me if I'm wrong

OtherDestroying/BlockingDestroying, for example, is when your teammate destroy you landmines, lasermines, etc.
Blocking is when someone builds something, so his friends cannot move or enemy blocks in some unreachable place and idle.
TeamkillingTeamkilling, for example is when you stand trapped in enemies landmines or lasermines and your friend explode them, killing you.
IdleWhen someone idles, he's kicked after 60 sec. if he's still not moving. Please do not idle but before going somewhere, click F2 -> AFK (for VIPs).
Idlers are kicked after 60 seconds or by mod/admin.
AdvertisementPlease do not advertise servers/webpages or something more, except private things, but please send it not on broadcast: !bc but on
pm: !id message.
Mostly used text commandsAll:!gm message - Send message to players with the same rank
!rs - Reset score
!help - All text commands
!id message - Private Message
JMod:!speclock id minutes - lock player in spectator mode
!mute id minutes reason - Mute player
!slap id - Slap player
!kick id reason - Kick player
Mod:!tban id minutes reason - Ban player temporary
SMod:!ban id reason - Ban player permanently
ButtonsF1 - Server info
F2 - Settings (for VIPs mostly)
F3 - Settings (for mods/admins
Good luck to You all and may the HC be with You!

Fix my info if I did some mistakes

(Sorry for my bad english

Bounty Hunter