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Author Topic: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl  (Read 1263 times)

Offline Chilla_Girl

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Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« on: February 21, 2013, 17:23:06 »
Hey Guys: some strange things while playing on server nighttime:

1. in the "fast" rounds(little minimaps) sometimes people spwan in the normal map. This leads to big confusion, cause they cant kill each other and they blame each other for hacking :D

2. In the "stealth suit" round I found normal armor on the map. The people who walked over it were visible then and had 50% armor. I guess it is not suppose to be happening :)    The players "Unknown Identity" and "Unknown Real" were on the map. I kicked them once before for hacking, maybe they were the reason...

3. Everyone knows the hat bug, hope one day it will  be fixed :)

4. I have a very good connection, but in little "famas" rounds or "knive" rounds sometimes my pc nearly crashes, i was often kicked cause my window just closed! I don't have any ideas how to fix that one.

5. during 23:00 and 1:00 night time GMT, the server sometimes resets 4 - 5 times and was down for > 5mins. didn't know what was going on, we lost all our players... long time after that only 6 bots playing!

That's it for the last 3 days :D I neither dont think those are great bugs nor think they will happen often. So just take them as information ;)

Greetings from Germany ;) 

Chilla_Girl :*

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Re: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 17:32:02 »
Great job writing all these down, this list is fairly useful for Happy Camper.

About some of the bugs:
1) Those peoppe who spawn outside join a bit after the round has started. Had it happen to myself too.

2)This I haven't heard of. Only seen a few stealth suits lying around every now and then.

3) Known bug.

4) Some people do complain about lag, but I haven't noticed it.

5) Probably has something to do with the actual server itself.
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Online Häppy C@mper

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Re: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2013, 19:24:42 »
Thanks for the list.

1) This could be a CS2D bug, because I saw the same problem at [LaG] Fun. I suspect the join hook isn't called.
2) I haven't seen this one either. I have no idea how it could happen.
3) I haven't had time to look at it, but I will.
4) Try lowering your graphics settings.
5) The server restarted automatically since it didn't receive any update serverlist reply. The reason for this is unknown. It could be someone hacking, a bug in CS2D or connectivity problems.
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Re: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 18:10:25 »
Nr. 4 is because there's too much stuff on the screen and your computer slows down. Decrease graphics quality, blood amount etc. :d

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Re: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2013, 09:26:23 »
I just want an Info about that one:

I often use the mouse wheel at the beginning of a round to scoll to my first weapon. When I am T it sometimes happens that i have the "bomb", which is annoying because it causes an automatic switch to knife, and if i press "Q" it switches between bomb(->knife) and knife....

Is this problem solved in the last server update? Happened to me yesterday, but could have happened due to the errors with the scripts (yesterday the map was called de_dust again).

Main Question: Are only the Bombspots removed or is the bomb as item removed, too? :)

Greetings from Germany,

Don't worry i am just a
Girl and definitely NOT a
troll who pretends to be a
bad player and is in reality no
girl! It is the best choice
to believe me, all i want is
to catch hackers, because my real
interest is being a mod so that your
identity as player is always protected!

>read every 2nd line:)

Online Häppy C@mper

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Re: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2013, 10:37:24 »
There were some problems yesterday with de_dust being loaded instead of dm_dust. I had forgotten to update mapcycle.cfg so it went back to de_dust after every server restart.

The bombspots are removed from dm_dust so CS2D will not put a bomb on one of the terrorists.

The knife problem should have been solved. Let me know if you still see it.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you. :o

Offline Chilla_Girl

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Re: Bugs found by Chilla_Girl
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2013, 12:20:33 »
so all my bugs were because of the big trouble yesterday :) glad to hear!
Don't worry i am just a
Girl and definitely NOT a
troll who pretends to be a
bad player and is in reality no
girl! It is the best choice
to believe me, all i want is
to catch hackers, because my real
interest is being a mod so that your
identity as player is always protected!

>read every 2nd line:)


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