Hi everyone, well it has been a while since I played but here is what's up. Before I tell you that I was thinking of posting this earlier, but I was really crushed by my school work and exams, but now that I've seen some other players and Bonzo leave, I think this might be a good time to say this.
I have been playing this game for quite some time and I've made
many friends, thanks to them I had great time on hotchills servers and forums, but you know, that time always comes when you have to leave. Right now, I'm kind of crushed under my school exams and work, I've got Cambridge Final Exam at the end of the second semester, and Mock Exams coming up this November or December. The education system here is really crapped, and because of that the other systems crash as well. And the way of giving exams here is kind of senseless. But yeah, you've got to do it. So now I only have weekends available to me in which I'm planning to save them for learning game programming and development. So now I haven't got much time at all. Other than that, as Bonzo stated that somewhere in your life, someplace you have to move on. It had been awesome for being a moderator on this server and kicking hackers @5535, I'd have to say, I had an awesome time with you guys.
I'd like to thank all the friends I made here, Bonzo, Turkey and Happy C@mper for being awesome people and friends and CS2d for bringing light to my boredom.

Thanks everyone and hope we meet again sometime!
P.S If you want to contact me, here's my email:
EDIT: IF you were wondering where the Hackers list went, it was deleted by me on accident while trying to "modify post" on my xperia u's touch screen... Bad luck for me, i accidentally clicked on "Delete Post", where it was located right on top of it. xD No h8 pls. ;-;