1) USGN ID - 13454
2) In-game name
®ainbow Dash
3) How active you can/will be -
2-3 hours
4) Have you had any prior experience as a moderator?
Yes. But I don't remember the forums or servers anymore...
5) Why exactly do you want to be a Mod/SMod ?
I always encounter hackers almost everytime, most of them are aimbotters. And sometimes, players with bad behaviour.
6) Been playing CS2D for 6 years. Met very skilled players. I'm on the verge of quitting CS2D because almost all of the servers are empty and some of them are filled with bots. And the servers that has players in it have high ping(400+) so I can't play, but I saw HC Fun with somewhat, bearable ping that still has players that are active even if it's filled with bots. And that got me hooked again. But my experience in the server is bad but still fun. Sometimes, I get banned for being skilled which is always mistaken for hacking and also getting votekicked. My ping is not very good inside the server(300+) plus my ISP sucks. I get really frustrated when my shots won't register. But I still manage to get a kill or two.
I'm a calm and silent player most of the time. I talk when required or needed, but that depends on my mood.
I don't know if anyone in here knows or at least remembers me, but if anyone here does; long time no see