Hi there everyone! As the title says, this is one of the millions ways to make a good apply. Some prefer quoting from the original appliance’s requirements some other prefere it like this. You can get
inspired but
DO NOT JUST COPY/PASTE IT!!!. Dont take us for idiots because we are THE furthest thing from them.1- Breif Introduction, Hello, my name is Wladimir, i am 16 years old born the 21th of December, my in game name is Afterdead, my usgn number is 38726 and i would like to be a moderator of this mighty community.
2- Personal information:I was born in belgium my father is russian my mother is french, i’ve been learning many languages since i’m 4 years old and can now talk in 6 languages (English, French, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and Morrocan) -french and english are my main languages and i don't see my dad very often.
3- How good is my English:Well, i’ve been teached english since i was around 4 years old so I got rid of my stupid accent ^^
4- Skills in-game-Well, since I play CS2D for a long time Since 2008/2009 maybe. I give my self 6.5/10
-At mapping, I'm not very good but i can come up with creative ideas
-At scripting, Well I just know the basics.. Not very good but at least have some knowledge
5- Why would you accept me:Well, I didn’t want to join just for my own purpose.. but to help this server
So if you accepte me, I promise I won't be someone that is ‘heavy’ on you
And I will also try to (Notice I said
1. Invite more players (That deserve to be here, for sure)
2. Serve this community (Forums) and in-game servers
3. Give you (Admins/Moderators) more spare time to enjoy your life
How Active I will be,Well i love this server because of all the fun everyone can get. It shall be between 3 to 4 hours a day (except when i have school where it will be 2-3 hours)
6- My personal opinion:Well, in my opinion, this clan haves a perfect start:
the only server HC created until now is one of the most popular servers all around cs2d community (just after C4 and happy town) (Even Mr DC came to our server :DD) However, there is still room for improvement (tight room that is

). This is my opinion.
Thank you for reading. As i said you may get inspired but you are not allowed to just copy past it changing your names when i say mine!