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Messages - Maciek
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« on: June 11, 2014, 21:40:21 »
So.. aint that time to remove urself from administration like Bonzo? Yeah it is  Its simple that players like this boutny should get your powers, for example he is most active on forum last days and if he continue i would give him adm. Just keep being active U are good adm, wise and resposible but not active that much. Its time to face it.\ N is also that acitve. I wouldnt be as active as he is. I am having strange periods in which i am extremaly acitve but its not enough for this role. I think both of them (i would rather say N cause he is older  = more experienced and trustfully, less hormons etc) would be great for this role. Destroyer is even less active than you. Thats why there nothing happens. But well, i understand it shard to promote anybody even to jmod since i prove that one of them wanted it only to safe cheat. Anything new wont be better than old things, but now we are only gettin worse and worse cause of inactive members. Its just my opinion, you dont need to agree with me. I am just a guy who plays constatly this game since 2006 xd i must be wierd
« on: June 11, 2014, 20:46:02 »
Nah, there is so much hate about me cause i am not that polite like others. I have my own way of being better and stronger. Just wanted to tell that even if you sometimes dont trust me, remember i wont do anything bad to anybody. If i see something is wrong with something or someone i will fight against this/him. Yo, dont comment it guyz, ok? Just read and think about it if you have problem with me.  Doesnt want to listen responds cause its anything what should be continued. If you want something from me there are Private msg's
« on: June 11, 2014, 20:38:16 »
I dont need votes, till nobody can ban me for "hacking" and i can easly remove players who hacks during i play, i will continue being mod here. Simple, i dont need your love, i dont need any internet friends. I was always outsider, i have my own problems maybe if not them i would be more friendly. I like to be against other, there is only one fine guy in this community for who i will always be friendly. But maybe, if i get well with my problems (its about gettin mature too cause situation needs that) i will be more friendly. I am glad you keep your cool (there is one guy with who i am about same troubles like with semith but hes not that active, he once lost mod) and i thank you. Just remember, i am real, i dont fake myself to get profits (i think i even look like that *photo*) Sometimes i give a shit, but if you talk to me i will try to understand your way of thinking but you need to be good in being convicious. Well, wanted to tell i am good boy but sometimes you will have problems to understand me. Ehm that spam. I have too much free time
« on: June 11, 2014, 20:24:24 »
Its same question like "whats ur kpd" if player doesnt have 1,80+ he wont use it  Its really cool  but.. everything from past was much better.. dunno, i am gettin older and older, anything is that cool like servers and modes from past ;/ Mode in which you level up, and get new weapons, armors in deathmatch game mode. HEs dealing dmg even if you were hidden behind wall, bugged HEs in walls oh ah;/
« on: June 10, 2014, 22:50:55 »
But who you want to ask? Players who are plaing 2h per month? Dudes who didnt even score more than double? There is nobody else then N' whos that good to enjoy those sounds. When you hear unstopable 20 then you know "fck yeah, i am good" Most of mods and smod doesnt play that much. Its easy to check their places on rank. To be good, you have to practise, if you practise it means you spend a lot of time on server. There is so little active mods. I play only with them. (prolly nobody of those players use headphones to play, its really helpful to localise players)
« on: June 09, 2014, 08:31:21 »
I thought about normal map voting. For example, best tt or ct can start voting and if more than 50% of player vote yes, map will be changed.
« on: June 08, 2014, 15:23:43 »
+1 Mr. N
« on: June 08, 2014, 11:29:24 »
Finally i could be the King!
« on: June 07, 2014, 17:23:27 »
You know, its easy to unable, if player think he will put mines around his teleport instead of creating lacks
« on: June 07, 2014, 16:46:47 »
I have an idea about hmm something helpful what would be close to be called hack. Program which moves you for example south west or nort east. I mean not up, down etc but ?diagonally? Sometimes players put mines so you can go beetwen them if you go for examplke south west. I did it twice or 3 times but sometimes i fail. So i thought up about program which would move me automaticly if i need it. Anybody is able to do such a thing? I dont have that much knowladge about creating programs like this
« on: June 06, 2014, 20:53:16 »
Yeah Happy, time to do something with levels  Edit: i am 81 ;p
« on: June 06, 2014, 20:52:41 »
Nah, nah. Just bounty commented it so i wanted to respond.. But now it was like i am negative too him so wanted to explain why i think he may doesnt know everything. Anyway its old subject so... just saw he calls avo ddoser but i am not sure about this.. I think he wasnt connected with ddosing, why would he try to take Evaldas out of this community. Just wanted to tell that i dont think he is stupid kid, as he said ;P
« on: June 06, 2014, 17:00:52 »
Nah, i know you are new, and you wont know as much as players who are in this comunity longer than one year.
« on: June 06, 2014, 17:00:01 »
Nah.. unlimited gas granade is worst idea.. there will be so many teamkills + you wont be able to get close to enemies.. You will get zoned from other players. It would be good if not fact that on HC Fun 70% of players are nobs ;d
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