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Messages - Lotherad

Pages: [1]
Server / Re: 'Dnl! suggestions for HC Fun.
« on: July 29, 2013, 00:36:56 »
You can't just lock what's already unlocked, I mean you cant come in a day and prevent someone from using what he has been using for a long while. So you suggestion would mean that happy has to make new attributes which I dont think happy wants to right now.

I know but I thought about new attributes. If Happy don't want create new attributes so maybe some competiton on forum? We can advertise it on server. Winner will recieve special rank on forum (maybe "Attribute competition winner") and some experience points in game. I think it can be good.

Quote from: Da boss
Good suggestions Dnl, I just have one little thing to say about your 1st suggestion in which maybe a speed detector could be added to the server instead of just kicking the people a mod could say a command that tells him about the speed of the player so he can be sure if the guy is hacking or not.

Thanks and I think your suggestion is awesome. I love it and I hope Happy will make it real.

Server / Re: 'Dnl! suggestions for HC Fun.
« on: July 28, 2013, 14:06:17 »
3. With new levels players can get new attributes (they must unlock it).

Server / 'Dnl! suggestions for HC Fun.
« on: July 27, 2013, 01:27:11 »
Hello all!

So I spend some time on server and I got some suggestions.

1. Maybe some HPK (high ping kicker). Sometimes I'm not sure if player is cheating or lagging. And server gets crazy.

2. Levels and experience points are some kind of goals but why not make it more interesting? For example: when someone make an multi kill (with RPG, Molotov, AWP, you can make it with many other weapons) he got more exp. points (20+30*x when x is number of people killed in multi kill). So if he killed 4 players with one Molotov he get 20 + 3*30 (150% of kill).

Those are my suggestions for that moment.  ;)

We believe. There's no need for lie.  ;)

General Discussion / Your biggest killstreak/multikill/score.
« on: July 20, 2013, 22:20:22 »
Sup  :).

So what was your biggest killstreak/multikill/score?

My biggest:
Killstreak: 6
Multikill: 3
Score: I don't remember  ::).

General Discussion / Re: Let's count to 1000
« on: July 20, 2013, 22:14:38 »

News and Announcements / Re: Experience levels
« on: June 16, 2013, 21:27:19 »
Can you activate it on monday (24.06)? Thanks  :D.

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