Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser
« on: October 31, 2015, 23:37:09 »
I still want the logs to be checked. If he lied and tried to hide what happened, it means he can't be trusted, that's all.
Re: HC => Fws by Nighthawk
[December 17, 2017, 01:07:55] Re: HC => Fws by Range Rover [December 09, 2017, 16:33:17] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Maloo [November 28, 2017, 22:47:06] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Bounty Hunter [November 28, 2017, 18:29:07] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by siN [November 28, 2017, 10:45:22] |
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Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 31, 2015, 23:37:09 »
I still want the logs to be checked. If he lied and tried to hide what happened, it means he can't be trusted, that's all.
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 31, 2015, 23:26:41 »
Range Rover: For the last time: You said I'm a "gay bot" right after you said that you "love" me for the second time, the insults and the way you talked to me led me to giving you what you asked for there. And when I said that you are being childish or acting like a child, it has to do with your behavior, not your age.
Bounty Hunter: No that's not the best option, that's the easy option. This topic wouldn't go so far if he didn't make excuses up, lies and say I did things that I didn't really do, you gonna ignore that? I won't say sorry to him and then act like nothing happened, he is a mod lying, trying to hide what happened, you think that's nothing? If you let him go on this one, he will do it to others, I know because he refuses to admit what he did. I understand if you trust him, but this is a very serious report and shouldn't be ignored. And I won't respect anyone who disrespects me like that, including mods, he was the one who started the insults so he got it back. And I wouldn't waste my damn time on this if it wasn't really serious. All I ask now is that the owner(s) check(s) the server logs, see that he really lied and is abusing of his mod status (and also abusing of the trust of other mods/admins too maybe) to try covering this up. 3
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 31, 2015, 09:50:51 »
Seriously dude, I'm not gonna reply to you anymore, it's obvious that you won't admit the shit you did, you just keep making it worse for yourself. You wanna put the blame on me while in reality it's all your fault. You are really making a big deal out of it now, excuses and lies is not the way to go. You are not acting like a mod, you are acting like a child. Now I really think that you shouldn't have your mod status, but that's not up to me. People like you just ruin the game instead of making it clean. And it was only a report, but now you really showed me that you shouldn't be trusted with the power. Probably you did this to other players before, masks don't stay up forever.
Anyways, everything is on the first page of this topic, I will just await the response of the higher level admins. I hope they do what is right, that's all. 4
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 31, 2015, 09:29:44 »
Now you are getting off-topic, what you just said now has nothing to do with this report. I guess you are trying to get the topic off the rails in another attempt to hide what you did. Keep on twisting what I said, it won't help with your situation.
Also, ŦƲƦƙɘƳ said in this topic that you are a mod for a long time and that you are pretty trustworthy, but the way you are dealing with this and your actions is showing me exactly the opposite of that. 5
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 31, 2015, 09:18:09 »
Why are you twisting what I said? This is only a report about you abusing your powers, this has nothing to do with revenge, I never said that you should be demoted (which is something that is up to the higher level admins and not me) and especially I never said that I should be promoted because of this. I never attacked you in first place, why you think it's a revenge is beyond me, if it was really a revenge then my report would be much more aggressive toward you, which it was not. If you do shit with your powers, you are obviously gonna get reported sooner or later, deal with it.
And the question is what is YOUR problem? You could have simply admited what you did and apologized, accepted your warning/punishment and this would have ended without any problems... But no, you had to make up excuses and lies, the only one making things worse for himself here is you and you only. I know I'm saying the truth and I have no problem saying anything here, the logs of the server will show it. 6
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 31, 2015, 08:38:14 »
"Where are half of the console messages you edited and deleted it and shown here?? what a star you are. i dont want to argue with cheating persons like you."
Wow, are you kidding me? You are worse than what I thought, you keep trying to excuse yourself and lie more, no offense, but you are bringing more bullshit on this. Now I'm really asking the owner(s) to check the logs and see that I didn't edit/hide/delete any console message there, and also to show that this mod keeps on lying (saying I was wasting people's time in-game, that he warned me many rounds about it and now that I'm showing fake proofs, all bullshit from him). You are just making it worse for yourself dude. Oh and if you insist on saying that I play exactly like a bot and that I waste people's time because of it, here is a video I made 2 days ago showing how I play on the server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxkVzLbIsq0 , I made this video because the player "Kawaii" kept accusing me of cheating, said he was recording it and that he was gonna report me, apparently he was lying too, the video is a proof that I didn't cheat, but that's not the point here. I only put the video here to show that you are lying about how I play, but the owner(s) still need(s) to check the logs to see that the other things you said were lies too. NOTE: The video above is actually separate videos put together, so when one ends it will jump straight to another one, "cutting", just making this clear, I only put the parts I considered more relevant. 7
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 30, 2015, 22:02:10 »
I didn't mean to make a fuss about it, but in my eyes it seemed as you took it like nothing, if that's not what you meant then I apologize, I didn't mean to make matters worse. I took it seriously because I was playing my game, and I don't know him at all and then he said shit to me, pretty much that and then he lied, that's just asking for more, I hope you didn't misunderstand what I tried to say. And on a side note, I take power abusing very seriously, even as a normal player. I come on a server to play, not to get stressed by things like this, thus making me waste my time too. And no problem about the report, the logs will show you the truth, and thanks sir. And I hope he learned his lesson as well and that he doesn't do things like this again, respect and self-control are very important, especially for someone in his position.
Server / Re: [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 30, 2015, 18:01:58 »
ŦƲƦƙɘƳ: "[BOT]" was just part of my name, I don't play exactly like a bot, but I can happen to talk like a bot, it was just that. But you must be kidding me here, he wasn't joking, the pics clearly show you calling me "gay bot", "cheating bot" and telling me to "shup up and hear", you call that joking? It wasn't a joke, either if it was, he shouldn't have done it in first place, because it is offensive, calling someone a "gay" is offensive in any way you do it. Also I don't take being called "bot" as offensive, but "gay bot" obviouly is offensive. And it wasn't an overreaction either, he wasn't joking, for me that's just an excuse to cover up insults, and just to add, I don't know him, so I'm not his friend either.
Range Rover: I got tensioned and called you a "dick" exactly because of what I said above, you insulted me first, it wasn't for no reason, you were talking disrespectfully to me. Don't insult people and expect them to not insult back, and especially, don't use your powers in that case. If I was the one who insulted you first you would be right, but no, in this case it was YOU who insulted me first and then you kicked me because apparently you love to insult others for no reason but hate when they insult you back. You got what you asked for. If you want respect, then respect others too. More to add: That's everything I have to say. But now don't bullshit me saying he was joking and that I overreacted, don't put the blame on me, the pics show who started it and it was him. I understand you don't want trouble on your server, after all everyone should have fun, but giving a blind eye / excuses to things your mods do won't help either. Sometimes I ignore people who insult me, sometimes I don't, I just got enough of it in all the years I have been on the internet, I'm not ironman about anything, but really, as a mod he shouldn't have done what he did, I myself would never insult anyone for no reason, "joking" or not. Just noticed that he lied too, see EDIT below. Also I won't be his friend and I ask him to not talk with me for a time, he really gave me a bad impression. But it will be cleared with time, I just won't act like nothing happened. As for ŦƲƦƙɘƳ, I think this can be closed now, but just don't bullshit me by giving him a blind eye to this, the proof clearly shows what he did. And again for Range Rover, do better next time, mod status is to keep the game clean, not to mess it up. EDIT: I just noticed this "He acts as a bot i warned him many rounds playing as bot and delaying others time.", THAT'S A LIE, you never warned me for acting like a bot whatsoever and I didn't delay the game either, WTF dude? And as I said, I don't play exactly like a bot, you are just making stuff up to make me look bad here. You see that kicking me for insulting you back because YOU insulted me first was bad, so you just made something else up to excuse your kick, that's a low move from your part. The owner(s) can check the logs and see that he never warned me for playing like a bot, he didn't warn me once about that because as I said, I wasn't playing exactly like a bot, the "[BOT]" was just part of my name. Infact, he didn't warn me "many rounds", not even once as I said before, it's a lie. 9
Server / [REPORT] Power Abuser« on: October 30, 2015, 08:49:24 »
Reported user: Albss (also known as Ra)
Report date: October 30th, 2015 (according to my timezone) Report reason: Power abusing Proof: http://imgur.com/a/lsegy Just to say in advance, I'm not 100% sure whether this person is a mod or not, but since I was kicked after he said "so you are punished by your user", I can only think that it was him who did it. Or maybe the mod was his friend (I'm assuming bro was his friend), not sure... And well, I called him a "dick" because I was talking to him politely (probably he didn't like the way I talked or whatever, still no excuse to start insulting me like that),then he started calling me "gay bot", "cheating bot" and also told me to "shut up and hear". Honestly, I know I shouldn't have insulted back, but he asked for it, after that I got kicked for "Spamming"... And before anyone calls me on it, he started it and if he is really a mod, that's not how a mod should behave. Just because he is a mod, it doesn't mean he can say whatever he wants and act like he can tell people to do whatever he wants (yes I know there are the rules, but this was not about them), it's just childish...
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