Server / Suggestion >50hp score!
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:49:31 »
I have suggestion for HC//Fun!
I am not sure is this possible, but I think here is great scripters who meyby know how to do that.
My idea(from cs1.6) is add to script,eee...script with >50hp=score: if you get >50hp from enemy AND SOMEBODY KILL HIM u also will get a kill. For example i get 99 hp from my enemy and player from my team kill him, its unfair, so i shuld then get a kill too. If I get <50hp and my enemy kill me(i am dead) and my team kill that enemy then I also get a score.Of course if i get 51 hp from enemy and kill him then i won't get 2 kills. I don't know, meyby that script is already on Unreal (I have not been looking for that script on internet) Anyone who has played cs1.6 should know what I mean.
OK, think about it
I am not sure is this possible, but I think here is great scripters who meyby know how to do that.
My idea(from cs1.6) is add to script,eee...script with >50hp=score: if you get >50hp from enemy AND SOMEBODY KILL HIM u also will get a kill. For example i get 99 hp from my enemy and player from my team kill him, its unfair, so i shuld then get a kill too. If I get <50hp and my enemy kill me(i am dead) and my team kill that enemy then I also get a score.Of course if i get 51 hp from enemy and kill him then i won't get 2 kills. I don't know, meyby that script is already on Unreal (I have not been looking for that script on internet) Anyone who has played cs1.6 should know what I mean.
OK, think about it