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Messages - amphetamine

Pages: [1]
Server / Re: [TKE]SemihLord is a childish moderator
« on: June 27, 2013, 16:24:27 »
Someone with moderator rights annoys people by changing their name to "Player" (or "Player 2"...). I think his nick was "[VAK] Mael Alcatraz" or "Galil".

And why do you write this on this topic?

General Discussion / Re: Hi guys
« on: June 18, 2013, 09:36:05 »
Thanks folks!

General Discussion / Hi guys
« on: June 17, 2013, 23:43:21 »
Hi guys,
My name is amphetamine, sometimes Candy Flip, sometimes mescaline, Stelio Kontos, etc...
I am 19 and I am from Spain.

Just noticed these few past days that a lot of old friends are very active on Fun server. They absolutely rock, and the server is actually funny.


Server / Re: [TKE]SemihLord is a childish moderator
« on: June 17, 2013, 23:24:02 »
''yes he does''

i cant remember but a player (maciek i think i forgot) changed his name to semihlord is annoying or stupid i cant remember then you made yes he does

soooo thats means thats not all you did

Yes, someone changed his name to "Semih SUCKS".
You are still behaving like a child. I have never seen you apologizing, and you made some errors a mod shouldn't do. I've just said that you'd watch your words before writing, you are not giving a good image of the server. I've also said other times that you're a little bit annoying, but never in bad faith, just attempting to make you see this.

Edit: He actually seems a nice guy when talking by private, but I still think his behaviour is not the appropiate for a mod in some occasions.

Server / Re: [TKE]SemihLord is a childish moderator
« on: June 17, 2013, 23:18:16 »
There's been some complaints about him before so I'll look into it.

Thank you.

Server / [TKE]SemihLord is a childish moderator
« on: June 17, 2013, 23:09:40 »
Semihlord is a childish moderator.
He killed me (with mod powers, not by his skills) just for changing my name to "Yes he does". He abuses and mutes people without having enough reasons.
He acts as a 12 years old kid. I don't think he is a good moderator, he doesn't know how to behave, all time commenting about rounds, saying noob to people, he's just as annoying as a fly turning around my head.

I just ask you to look him close. He is going to blunder soon if he keeps behaving the way he does.
He is very active although.

Cheers, and forgive my english.

Edit: spelling

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