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Messages - Youtubes

Pages: [1]
Moderator Applications / Re: Mod apply (Accepted as JMod)
« on: October 02, 2015, 14:59:19 »
Welcome to our community! I hope you can be a good and wise jmod.

Thanks all for your opinion. Any other opinion?

Aloha, guys!
Last week, i saw speedhacker and i kick him. But, he go to the server again with another name (from Player 3 to Player). Then, i speclock him. He gone. After 5min, he go to server again. Now his name is Player 2, without USGN. Another, much player have name like me (Player F2 = Player F1 or F3, or sometimes same, Player F2). He just kid, not pro too. My reputation's down. I kick him, he go to server again. I'm sad and angry. He broke my reputation's.
My reason to apply for Mod or SMod is to ban/tban or perm ban to all hacker or insulter. I think i'm active player. 5-6hours in 14day and 10-15hours in 30days (cause i play 3-6 hours in weekend  :D).

Just that for now. I think, i was lucky be jmod in this international server (i think), but is not good enough cause cant ban any player who brokes the rules. Then, I will follow the moderator's rules and didn't abuse.
Sorry for bad english (cause asian). I hope all of you read it and my application response faster...

Regards, Player F2/ Youtubes

Server / Re: Suggest a Round
« on: July 23, 2015, 02:59:22 »
speed+machete or speed+glock :D
*it must be funny..

Thanks all for your opinion. :)
To piwi.. Thanks for ur comment. My application already modify (just little bit)

1) USGN ID : 130888
2) In-game name: Player F2

3) How active you can/will be: I can be active 1-3 hours per day or can be 4h in weekend

4) Have you had any prior experience as a moderator? Yes. I had moderator experience in old asian server, but i forget the server name. In that server, i always kick hacker. If he go in that server and hack again, i temporary ban him (sometime permanent ban). And i always change bad/racist name who play in that server.

5) Why exactly do you want to be a Mod/SMod ?
I want to be Mod or SMod because of two reasons.
First one is I have long time played on HC Fun server. First time i play on that server, i think this is good server to play ,and I played everyday on it.Peoples are very friendly on it. I had long dreamed to be Mod or SMod in this server, but just now I am making an application. Of first time i join it that is my dream.So I wait some time and make apply for Mod. I am active on HC Fun, of my 1/3 time on cs2d i spend playing HC Fun for me that is best server i ever played on (I think). Also it's very popular server. Also script on server suprised me.
Second reason because i want to kick or ban hacker every i see them. Popular server like HC Fun server certainly many hacker entered. For that, I will make the hacker deterrent with kick or ban him.

6) *OPTIONAL* I am a guy who loves pop music. My headset is always close to me. I played counter strike 2D since 2009. I am pro in portal gun with mine or lasermine mode in HC. I live in Singapore. I have 18years old. I don't like chili or some hot foods. That is all for now. More about me, you can tell me everytime...

Thank you for read my application and sorry for bad english :D !!

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