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Moderator Applications / trll's apply for being JMod. [Rejected]
« on: August 07, 2015, 15:58:13 »
I wan't being Junior Moderator on HC // Fun.
I will make this short application first :
1. Cs2D nickname : gus/trll/stax.
2. USGN ID : 142503.
3. Age : 14.
4. Why you wan't to be moderator? : Helping server to reporting users, hackers, etc.

Normal Application :

1- Breif Introduction,

Hi, my name is Nathaniel, i was born in Surakarta City, Indonesia. More information, Surakarta is place were last Indonesia President born, i like scripting on CS2D, i wan't to be pro scripting like Happy Camper. My hobby is painting and also drawing. I haven't job yet, my age still 14.

2- Personal information:

I was born in Surakarta City, Indonesia. More info, Surakarta City is place were last Indonesia President born my father is Javanese, he have 7 brothers and 3 sisters. My mom, i forgot, she have 2 sisters.

3- How good is my English:

I learning English language since my age 7, i learning English in game too , so i can give myself English skill 6/10.

4- Skills in-game

-I having computer since my age 9, i use it for Microsoft and playing games. I playing CS2D since 2012, so i give myself skill = knife : 4/10, deagle : 6.5/10, m4a1 : 5/10, awp :

-At map, i just known basic and tile setting.

-At scripting, i like it. I make new scripts 1x every week, i won't give up too early for hard scripting. Well, i can give myself 6.5/10

5-  Why would you accept me:

Well, I isn't abussive if being moderator, i don't wan't to kick, just report to the forum, check his IP and USGN.

And I will also try to (Notice I said TRY):

1. More active in server and also forum.

2. Keep reporting.

How Active I will be,

This is 24/7 server or active server so, i can active 6 hours per week, im busy with my school homework, but don't worry, if i staff i will more active on forum.

I hope this application you like it,
Thanks who read and vote yes or neutral here.
See you later.

Hi forum members, admins, mods.

My real life nick name is Nathaniel, i play Cs2D since 2012, so i play more than 3 years.
My hobby is painting and drawing.
I like scripting on Cs2D, i wan't to be pro scripting like Happy Camper

Okay guys, i wanna to make an apply for J-Moderator or Moderator
I'll wish this apply will accepted.

Short application :

1) My USGN ID. : 142503 .

2) In-game name. : trll .

3) How active you can/will be. : I can spent 2 hours per day.

4) Have you had any prior experience as a moderator? : Yes, i have a moderating experience, i will not abuse, just warn and punish who break the server's rules.

5) Why exactly do you want to be a Mod/SMod ?
(the above question is actually useful in several ways for us, so go ahead and write what you think)
Answers :
3. Only one server uses this Fun script.
4. I not lagged there, so i can more active.
1. Cause i have spent many time there.
2. HC // Fun is active server.

6) *OPTIONAL* Something about yourself you think we should/could know.
I not an abuser player, i just warn, kick, temporary ban who break the server's rules.
As moderator i don't need tag, i wanna be invisible.

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