News and Announcements / Re: Trial server up
« on: March 06, 2015, 22:40:48 »
It's hard to take a good anti ddos because it's too expensive.
Re: HC => Fws by Nighthawk
[December 17, 2017, 01:07:55] Re: HC => Fws by Range Rover [December 09, 2017, 16:33:17] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Maloo [November 28, 2017, 22:47:06] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by Bounty Hunter [November 28, 2017, 18:29:07] Re: HotChills.org will close on January 27 by siN [November 28, 2017, 10:45:22] |
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Pages: [1]
News and Announcements / Re: Trial server up« on: March 06, 2015, 22:40:48 »
It's hard to take a good anti ddos because it's too expensive.
News and Announcements / Re: Server down« on: March 03, 2015, 06:36:35 »
Am I the only that think it's weird see how every server get a ddoss attack and Alex's server has +15 players everytime?
Moderator Applications / Re: Application for mod« on: February 28, 2015, 20:30:54 »
The biggest application ever seen.
General Discussion / Re: A small question« on: February 25, 2015, 22:46:25 »
Anyone will give you a script of a server that is currently running and been famous.
Moderator Applications / Caza applying here. [Accepted as JMod]« on: February 25, 2015, 06:13:56 »
I want to be a part of Hot Chills so I decided to make my own apply, let's go to start introducing myself because the most people don't know me.
Caza's intoduction: I'm a lazy guy, love the games and music like dubstep, rap and some other spanish's styles. I'm 16 years old, my birthday is on 1st of November. I born in Spain and I'm actually living there. I was absent 2 years from cs2d because of my computer died then I spent my time on Call of Duty BO2 and some others games for xbox 360. I was working with my father and I bought a new computer, then I turned back to CS2D. Also I'm in a clan called BG, starting a new project called Prodigy2D | Happy Town that I hope it comes to be a little famous and the s*** of IRAN TOWN die (sorry for those bad words) and I'm ranked in some other servers that people who play there know it. I'm one of that guys that travel around web looking funny stuff, crap, downloads and music. I like go out with my friends every day. ![]() Well that's all, I think. 1) USGN ID 54131 2) In-game name. Caza 3) How active you can/will be. The most time as posible depending of the day. 4) Have you had any prior experience as a moderator? Of course as I mentioned before I was moderator in some clans, also member in a lot of them, I'm the owner of Prodigy2D but that can't be mentioned as big experience because I opened it a month ago, I'm CT in darftcity that is a hard community to join and also there are good staffs. 5) Why exactly do you want to be a Mod/SMod ? (the above question is actually useful in several ways for us, so go ahead and write what you think) As everybody who want be a moderator/member of a community, to help the best as possible that I have in my hand and also to ban every rule breaker (that I didn't see anyone since I joined the server for first time). 6) *OPTIONAL* Something about yourself you think we should/could know. You don't need to know this but I always thought that is a funny story. When I tried cs2d for first time (2011) I hadn't any knowledge in english but after join NoPain clan I started to be interested at improve my skills but as I didn't like it at school I was using google translate ![]() Thanks for read it and thank you for make the most harder registraton form ![]() Regards, Caza.
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